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ACFS Celebrates Year of the Rat in Waynesville

Posted on: 2020-01-25 by Will Lehman

On Sunday, January 25, the American Chinese Friendship Society celebrated the start of the Year of the Rat. The party started around 4pm with a short speech by the Society president, Dr. Will Lehman, which was followed by a delicious feast. Available for selection were various sorts of dumplings (饺子), longevity noodles (长寿面), glutinous rice cake (年糕), and many other delicious items.

In all, there were over 20 people in attendance, which was remarkable because by the time the party was announced, many members had already made other plans.Members Xiaoli and Bob Youker supplied the decorations, which the children helped to hang around the party venue.

The celebration fulfilled its purpose, which was to bring together Americans and Chinese people in a spirit of mutual understanding, and to provide a little piece of home culture to some of our Chinese neighbors.In the coming months, the ACFS plans to host several other events, including a traditional Chinese tea ceremon, Chinese calligraphy lessons, and a demonstration of Chinese martial arts. Members will receive invitations.